WE-CARE (Women Empowerment - CAreers and REcognition)
The WE-CARE programme started as a response to the following issues recognised by the department:
- advertised academic posts receive far fewer numbers of women applicants than men.
- women may seek leadership opportunities less or take on higher administrative loads, leaving less time for career-enhancing research.
- women apply for promotion less and do not progress in equal proportions as men to professor grades and feel less supported in their career progression.
To address these challenges, the initiatives have focused on three strategic aims – “Improve Recruitment,” “Improve Work Experience,” and “Support Career Development.”
In 2022, we submitted our programme to Informatics Europe – Minerva Informatics Equality Awards and were recognised as one of the Best Practices in Supporting Women.
Departmental Welcome Pack
The departmental welcome pack aims to help the new staff familiarise themselves with their new working environment. It includes an induction plan, information about the department (its organisation, committees, ways of working, and local policies), and links to the university policies.
The welcome pack can be requested from your Head of Department or located on Brunel Staff Intranet.

Understanding Experiences with Parental Leave
We are running a study that will help us understand the experience staff have had before, during and after returning from parental leave.